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Almanac Drawing Competition [Alco]
14/01/2022 @ 23:00 – 28/01/2022 @ 23:59
Dear Aktief Slipers! As you may know this year we will be releasing the Almanac which is a yearbook released every five years to celebrate our dear association! Among countless pictures and interesting nature facts, we would like to include a drawing section. The theme of the Almanac is “oasis” 🐪🌴 so get ready to grab your pencils and brushes to submit a beautiful or hilarious creation following the theme! The best drawings will be picked and featured in the book 😚 Please upload your creations before the 28 of January by clicking on this link: https://wageningenur4.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/AktiefSlip/Shared%20Documents/Committee%20Files/Luco%20en%20Alco/2022/ALCO/drawing%20competition?csf=1&web=1&e=eYyvMJ