Committees of Aktief Slip
Aktief Slip has many committees organizing a bunch of activities, to make your time with us as enjoyable as possible! If you are interested in joining a committee, send an email to [email protected].
The Akcie is the activity committee. We organize anything we feel like organizing. Treasure hunts, game nights, theme parties or a hitchhike weekend. Nothing is too complicated or too simple for the Akcie. We strive to make all our events accessible and fun for all Aktief Slip members. If you have a nice idea for an activity do not hesitate to let us know!
There are two annual relay races which we normally participate in. The Veluweloop and the Batavierenrace. These are great events where teams from different universities and associations join for a big competition and party. But some logistics are necessary, and the Batacie takes care of these.
Say Cheese! Click takes pictures at all our events! Being a Click member involves attending activities, taking pictures of the attendees, and uploading these to the Sharepoint. If you don’t have your own camera, you will have access to the Aktief Slip camera. Previous photography experience is not necessary, as you can learn on the job.
The EKO is a yearly renewed committee that organizes a weekend for first years’ Bachelor students. This weekend is called the ‘EKO weekend’ which takes place at the beginning of the study year. The EKO weekend is organized somewhere in the Netherlands and is full of fun, drinks and interaction with fellow students. Besides the weekend, the EKO also organizes the BSc study day during the Annual Introduction Days.
Extern organizes activities in partnership with external parties, which are mostly our sponsors. These activities include career lectures, workshops, excursions, and the big company day! Joining this committee builds your networking skills!
This committee organizes the Aktief Slip Family Day, where your family can come take a look into your student life! This day is usually organized once every two years, alternating with the Aktief Slip Gala.
This committee makes food, as you could probably guess from the name. This includes potlucks and cooking competitions, and the annual BBQ and vegan cake competition. Let your imagination go loose! The way to a student’s heart is through their stomach!
The GreenInk is Aktief Slip’s magazine, which is published four times a year. It contains both casual and serious articles, on a large variety of topics. To make our magazine, we need writers, proofreaders, and designers, so there is something to do for everyone!
Luco & Alco
Every 5 years, Aktief Slip celebrates a lustrum year, a big birthday for the association! The Luco committee is responsible for the lustrum year celebrations.
Every lustrum year comes with an almanac book, which celebrates the last five years of the association. The Alco is the committee responsible of writing and designing this book.
This is a committee for and by master students of MES, MUE and MCL. You can organize whatever activity, be it drinks, potlucks or more education-related. Anything to get to know each other and have a great time!
This is our merch committee. Do you want to design a new Aktief Slip sweater? Or tote bag? Or maybe you think we should have Aktief Slip slippers? Join the Merchie! They design, order, promote and deal with the inventory of the Aktief Slip merch.
Passief Pils
You like to drink, (almost) everyone likes to drink, and students like to drink even more. You can cater to this very important student need in this committee! Borrels, dances, beer tasting, flunky ball, pub quizzes, and much more. Intoxication has never been this exciting.
The Promocie is a committee that presents our study to possible new students. We organize three “Student for a day”s in a year. New students get familiar with the structure and all the three different tracks you could choose in our study. We also help at the two Bachelor open days from the WUR. We cannot be missed in our recognizable purple t-shirts!
First Year Committee
The FYC is a very fun committee. It is composed exclusively of first year students and organizes the Sinterklaas activity, and activities for first years only. It is the first experience in a committee for first years’ students and therefore a great learning experience! Being part of this committee is usually a lot of fun and a stepping plate for further activity within the committees of Aktief Slip.
Sportcie organizes a large variety of sportive activities that are approachable for everyone. Their goal is to get the environmental students in contact with sports and at the same time in contact with each other. Some examples are squash, archery, mountain biking, frisbee, and lasergaming!
Every year, the association organizes a weekend trip abroad in period 6. The Weekendcie takes care of the logistics, activities, and makes sure everyone has a trip they’ll remember forever.
Once every two years, we have an Aktief Slip Gala! Mark your calenders for the next one: 21st of March! The Galacie is the creative mind behind the organization of this grand event.