Order of the Environmentalists

To thank Aktief Slips most active members, they are awarded the Order of the Environmentalist. On this page, they are thanked again.

Julian Fitzpatrick

For creating the Aktief Slip website (without which we could not do anything that we do nowadays; and currently we have the most functional ticket system of the ESG thanks to the website!)

Jeroen Radelaar

For his long-term contribution after board and carrying PromoCie

Max Kik

For his time in the board and his extensive contribution to several committees

Ralf Beckmans

For being the ultimate treasurer of many committees and his long-term contribution to Aktief Slip

Ryan van Mourik

For his long-time contribution as chair of Akcie and his continuous support of the association

Hilde Vink

For her time in the board and extensive work with the GreenInk

Ivo de Graaf

For setting up the position of Commissioner of External Affairs and the committee Extern

Jan-Jaap van Raffe

For stepping in as treasurer and his longtime contribution to the kasco