Free Summer Borrel [Akcie x Papi]

Free summer borrelTuesday 28th of June, from 16.30 onwards@Outside ForumFree for members 🤑Do you also feel stressed for finishing up the last things of the year? Done with thesis life? Help us with drinking the Hok empty and join our summer ☀️ borrel and drink your stressy feelings off with cocktails, soda and beer. 🍻🍹🍸Your […]


Pancakes at the Rhine 2022

Pancakes at the Rhine is an annual event organized by Aktief Slip right before the school year begins. Get to know other fellow first-years and association members while enjoying a nice snack at the Rhine, a location loved by all Wageningen residents. Spots are limited, so sign up ASAP. Drinks will not be provided, so […]


Bowling [Akcie]

Hello new and returning Aktief Slippers! Join our bowling evening 🎳 so you can destroy everyone with your throwing skills 🎱! And meet some old and some new faces! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦If you want to bike together🚲, we gather at forum at *19h15 hour*, or meet us in bowling center Groeneveld in Ede at 20h00.


Master’s Welcome VrijMiBo: Intro Drinks [Mastercie]

New location due to rain: Forum room B0217What best way to end your first uni week than to have some drinks in the park with your fellow Master students? The Mastercie is hosting its first VrijMiBo of the year, open to all MCL, MES, and MUE students - we will have snacks, drinks, and games! […]


[CANCELLED] Get to know Wageningen [Intl Bachelors]

Are you new in Wageningen? Join our puzzle tour on the 13th of September to get to know our favorite spots and other first-year students from the three different environmental science bachelors! Meet up will be in front of Forum at 19:30. Sign up until September 12th!Signup: first event from a series of 3.Organized […]


Ready for Takeoff: Beginning of the Year Party

Beginning of the Year Party🎉Wed 14 Sep, 22-3FreeOn the 14th of September, we will host a Take Off Party in Annies Kroeg, the bar at the ground floor of Asserpark. It is to celebrate the beginning of the new year! The theme is future, so here is some inspiration for costumes:🪩👽🤖🧑‍🚀🪐🛰️🚀🔮 . The first 55L […]


Minigolf [Sportcie]

Dear Aktief Slippers, We know that the start of the new academic year sometimes might be a bit stressful. That’s why Sportcie is giving you the opportunity to do something fun and relaxing. We will play minigolf on 20th September at Fusion Dome in Ede. We will cycle together, so we gather at Forum at 19:00. Limited […]



Board Interest Drinks [Board]

Board Interest Drinks!22nd September, 19:30@Forum, room B106Hi there Aktief Slippers!Have you always dreamed of managing lots of money💸🤑, talking with huge companies☎️ or receiving all secrets of our association🤫? Then you might want to be part of the new board of Aktief Slip. We have an interest drink on *Thursday the 22nd of September*, where […]


First-Years Lunch [Foodcie]

Dear 1st years, do you feel like you have not properly met your fellow students? Do you like good food and free things? Then we hope you will be hungry on Tuesday 27th of September, from 12:30-13:30, because the FoodCie will prepare you a fantastic autumny free meal. Max. 30 people, sign up (fast!!) and meet us […]