Masters VrijMiBo @ the ICA [Mastercie]

Join us at the International Club (next to Haarweg) for the Winter edition of the Mastercie VrijMiBo! Get some drinks and relax in the company of your fellow MSc students. Entry is free to all MES, MCL & MUE students. Borrel snacks will be provided. Members and non-members of Aktief Slip welcome! Sign up via […]


MCL/MES/MUE Preparation for your 2nd Year Master Meeting [Program Team]

Information evening for 1st year master students For all first-year master students who want to know what their second-year master will look like, how to find or choose thesis/internship and what needs to be arranged. This meeting consists of 3 presentations and of course there are ample possibilities to ask questions:19:00 - 19:20 - overview 2nd year […]

Dutch Speaking Circle

Have you been taking social dutch 1, 2? Maybe even 3? But are you still uncomfortable speaking with dutchies? Then join us *at the spot* (ground floor or Orion) and practice your dutch with other beginners! Join the group chat for more up-to-date information.

Documentary Evening [Foodcie]

Helloo fellow Aktief Slippers! Do you like cooking or eating? (Yes ofc) 🧑‍🍳 Have you ever wanted to know more about how to sustainably buy and eat food, to make an impact on carbon emissions and improve you quality of life, but never found a good documentary or the time to dig into the topic? […]

Aktief Slip Song Competition: Deadline [Board]

Due to the release of Covid 2: Return of the Lockdown, the board is postponing the deadline official competition for the Aktief Slip song/chant! Now you can submit your entries until Friday Week 3 of Period 4 (March 4). Here is the full information once more, in case you need a refresher: Guidelines:The song should […]

Come Study with Aktief Slip [Board]

Room B0432, ForumAre you having a hard time focusing at home? Can’t find a study spot in Forum? We’ve got you covered! Come to Aktief Slip’s study room on Monday and Tuesday to prepare for your exams. Important Note: Yea boi we got no more food restrictions so you best bet there will be free […]


Come Study with Aktief Slip [Board]

Room B0432, ForumAre you having a hard time focusing at home? Can’t find a study spot in Forum? We’ve got you covered! Come to Aktief Slip’s study room on Monday and Tuesday to prepare for your exams. Important Note: Yea boi we got no more food restrictions so you best bet there will be free […]


CANCELLED – Pubcrawl in Ede [Akcie]

Costs: €1,50 ppSign up individually!Register latest: 9th of MarchWhatup Aktief Slippers! The dreadful exam week is almost upon us😐, but fear not because after your struggles and studies the Akcie is here to lift your spirits😀! Because the student is a simple-minded creature we know that there is only one thing you will really long for […]


Board Game Night by Akcie

(come and go as you please)Forum B0313Hello Aktief Slippers,After a stressful period 4 exam we deserve some time to relax again. Lucky for you Akcie is back! 🤠We will provide some games, but please also bring your own favorites for others to tag along! 🎲♟️🎯Don't forget to drag your friends into this! 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦The event is free 🤑 and the drinks […]


Dutch Speaking Circle

Have you been taking social dutch 1, 2? Maybe even 3? But are you still uncomfortable speaking with dutchies? Then join us at The Spot (ground floor or Orion) and practice your dutch with other beginners! Join the group chat for more up-to-date information.

Digital Cleanup Day [World]

In the digital world, similar to the environment, there is a huge amount of trash.Unnecessary emails, files, apps, duplicates of photos and videos are all digital waste. This digital trash creates digital pollution that continues to consume energy even when we have forgotten it. Each year the internet and its supporting systems produce 900 million tons […]